OLVIDADOS from Imanol Bueno Bernaola on Vimeo
Olvidados, Refugiados en Belgrado es un pequeño documental realizado con fotografías hechas en Serbia a finales de marzo de 2017. En las inmediaciones de la estación de la capital Serbia , en unos barracones inmundos, se hacinaban en esas fechas varios centenares de jóvenes, muchos de ellos menores de edad, principalmente afganos y pakistaníes, a los que la UE no les reconocía la condición de refugiados.
Unas pocas ONG´s como Hot Food Idomeni o No name kitchen, ofrecían comidas y cenas y grandes cantidades de solidaridad.
El periodista y poeta, Juan Carlos Ruiz, pone voz a su poema "Europa en blanco y negro". La música de este documental es del txalapartari, Harkaitz Martínez, del grupo Oreka tx.
Forgetful, Refugees in Belgrade is a small documentary made with photographs taken in Serbia at the end of March 2017. In the vicinity of the Serbian capital station, in a few filthy barracks, hundreds of young people were crowded, many of them They were minors, mainly Afghans and Pakistanis, who were not recognized by the EU as refugees.
A few NGOs such as Hot Food Idomeni or No name kitchen, offered meals and dinners and large amounts of solidarity.
The journalist and poet, Juan Carlos Ruiz, gives voice to his poem "Europe in black and white". The music of this documentary is from the txalapartari, Harkaitz Martínez, from the group Oreka tx.